Pedigreed Agriculture and Silviculture EMISSION REDUCTION
Offsets and Credits Generated by the Premier Global Carbon Farming Platform
CarbonTerra™, is the curator of the Premier Global Carbon Farming platform, designed to enhance return on investment for climate conscious agriculture and forestry growers. Our platform harvests the highest grade compliant carbon offsets, voluntary carbon credits and historical carbon credits generated by Canada’s food and forestry supply chain.
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Food, Agriculture, and Land Use Through Carbon Farming
CarbonTerra believes in maximizing the value earned through agricultural land and forestry management practices that generate Pedigreed Carbon Credits™. We leverage research, technology and third party validators to prove the reliability of our credits. The resulting traceability and transparency brings fair market value to the grower and the carbon offset consumer, resulting in a healthier planet, with a safe, sustainable food and forestry supply chain for generations to come.
Our team works with farmers and growers to integrate sustainable technologies and methodologies to produce pedigreed carbon offsets, independently verified on a fully accessible block chain technology. CarbonTerra brings transparency to carbon offsets.
CarbonTerra compliant grade offset comply fully with government programs and regulations including existing registries. Carbon offsets with trustworthy permanence.
Canadian farmers and growers are generational in their practices and commit to growing the highest quality food and forestry products. Their carbon positive practices lay the foundation for pedigreed carbon offsets.